dive into your full potential

Evidence-Based Counselling & Professional Consulting

Everyone deserves the opportunity to embark on a journey of self-discovery, growth, and healing. Explore our evidence-based service offerings below and learn how we can help you unlock your true potential, overcome challenges, and create a life of fulfillment. Serving the lower mainland of BC at our local office in Maple Ridge, as well as virtual services Canada-wide.

looking for something specific?

Click on one of the icons below to jump straight to that area

individual counselling

consulting services

virtual counselling

children, youth & families

couples counselling

Woman walks along beach on the west coast of Canada with bright red boots on

Compassionate Support Tailored to Your Unique Needs

Individual Therapy for Personal Growth and Well-being

Are you experiencing symptoms of depression or anxiety? Struggling to juggle the stress in your life or trying to understand yourself on a deeper level? Feeling stuck and wanting to make a change in your life or relationships? Individual counselling can provide the support you need to work towards your personal goals. We work with a variety of mental health and relational concerns.

Our Areas of Specialization Include:

Stress Management
Life Transitions
Infertility & Pregnancy Loss
Post-partum Mood Disorders
Mindfulness Skills Training
Post-traumatic Stress Disorder
Single-Incident Trauma & Acute-Stress Disorder
Childhood Abuse/Neglect
Dissociative Disorders
Substance Use & Addiction
Grief & Loss

Wooden steering wheel at the front of a vintage boat to represent the expert guidance of a community consultant to help with leadership goals

Guidance and Strategies to Achieve Your Goals

Expert Consulting for Personal and Professional Development

Are you a counsellor or other mental health professional looking for someone to walk along-side and encourage your growth in the field? We understand how important it is to feel supported as a clinician in the field of counselling, especially as a developing or emerging professional. I (Chelsea) am pleased to have provided clinical supervision to Masters-level counselling students over the past few years and to have supported the personal and professional growth of my colleagues and fellow professionals. I believe that our professional abilities in this field are strongly correlated with our own journey of personal growth and healing, which is why I am passionate about offering consultation services to other counsellors and emerging professionals.

Additionally, we aim to support individuals in other leadership and helping roles, including areas of church ministry, life coaching, or social work who may have experienced work-place stress, burn out, spiritual trauma, or who are just feeling alone or uncertain about direction. We offer consultation services focused on helping you discover and work through internal barriers to your personal, profession, or spiritual growth to help you achieve your potential.

Are you looking for a workshop for your staff or organization?

We offer group education upon request on topics such as: understanding trauma, mindfulness, stress management and self-care, communication skills, attachment, parenting, and more.

Please connect with us to inquire and book.

Previous Community Workshops, Groups & Education:

  • Help Them Stay Safe: What Parents of Teens Need to Know Click Here For Details

  • Let’s Talk Substance Use (High School & Elementary School Versions)

  • Youth and Substance Use: What Can Parents Do? ‘in the know’ in the know’

  • Trauma & Treatment: An Overview

  • CPRT(Child-ParentRelationshipTraining)

  • Achieving Balance Through Self-Awareness

  • Skills Building for Trauma Recovery

Helping Children Flourish, One Playful Step at a Time

a sandcastle with a feather stuck into the top to represent the play therapy that is offered as a children's counselling method at Harbour

Nurturing Growth and Resilience Through Play Therapy

Are you concerned about your child’s behaviour, school performance, or emotional health and wellbeing? Do you feel lost or hopeless about how to deal with your child’s puzzling or upsetting behaviour? Do you have questions about how to handle a difficult situation in the family, and wonder about the impact on your child? Child and family counselling can provide the support your family needs in growing through times of difficulty or major life transitions.

Play and expressive techniques are the most effective way of working with children aged three to eleven. Children do not communicate in the same way as adults. While adults often find relief in talking through their difficulties, children primarily communicate through play. The younger the child the more they use symbolic play, rather than words, to communicate and process their perceptions, experiences and emotions. After an initial meeting with parent(s) or caregiver(s), counselling is conducted either with parent and child together, or the child individually, as best suited to the situation. On-going support is provided to the parents through scheduled check-ins, and one-to-one consultation as recommended.

Our Areas of Specialization Include:

Life Transitions (e.g. New Sibling)
Anger & Oppositional Behaviour
Bullying & Peer Challenges
Separation Anxiety
Separation & Divorce
Trauma & Abuse
Grief & Loss
Parent Mental Health & Substance Use

Impact and benefits for the child can include:

  • Increased self-awareness and understanding of feelings and behaviour

  • Learning to express feelings in a healthy way

  • Developing self-direction and self-control

  • Increased self-esteem

  • Using more adaptive ways of coping with life stressors

  • Processing adverse experiences and building increased resilience

Impact and benefits for parents and/or caregivers can include:

  • Gaining a deeper understanding of issues underlying the child’s maladaptive behaviour

  • Finding effective strategies for supporting the child between sessions and in the home

  • Increased knowledge of how to communicate with the child about challenging issues

  • Developing a stronger bond with the child

  • Feeling empowered and supported during times of crisis, stress, or major transitions in the family

a couple holds hands at the ocean to represent the expert couples counselling services offered at Harbour in Maple Ridge and throughout the lower mainland of BC

Guidance and Strategies to Achieve Your Goals

Couples Counselling

Research indicates that couples wait about 5 years too long to seek professional support in addressing issues in their relationship. Often at least one party has fears or concerns about entering counselling, such as being judged, blamed or criticized for problems in the relationship. We understand how hard it can be to make this step. However, we have seen how effective therapeutic intervention can be, whether your challenges have been persistent and perpetual, or you are seeking skills and tools to deepen your relationship.

We employ evidence-based assessments and interventions from the Gottman Couple’s Therapy Method, as well as emotion-focused couples therapy (EFT), and Internal Family Systems (IFS).

Impacts and benefits of couple’s counselling can include:

  • Increased sense of friendship and intimacy

  • Improved communication

  • Increased ability to constructively manage conflict

  • Increased feelings of support and understanding, and emotional awareness within the relationship

  • Increased sexual satisfaction

Connect with Professional Support canada-wide

virtual counselling

We offer online counselling services, providing convenient and accessible support to individuals across Canada. Through secure and confidential online video sessions, our experienced therapists are here to guide you through your mental health journey from the comfort and privacy of your own home. Our virtual counselling option ensures that distance is never a barrier to receiving the professional care you deserve. (Please note that we believe that this option is best-suited to individual support and parent-consultation and do not typically offer child or couple’s counselling online except under specific circumstances).

Proven Methods for Lasting Transformation

a black dog stand at the edge of the dock - scenes like these represent the ways in which counselling can impact your whole life beyond what happens in your sessions with evidence-based approaches

Empowering Change through Evidence-Based Approaches

We firmly believe that not all counselling approaches were created equal, and not every counsellor is the right fit for every individual. Many of our clients come to us feeling skeptical about what it means to be in counselling, having never done it before, or having had past experiences with counselling that didn’t meet their expectations, or even felt uncomfortable or negative. We get it.

What sets us apart is our integration of evidence-based, trauma-informed approaches that have been proven effective, yet are gentle and client-centred. 

Our counsellors are Masters-Level trained and meet the qualifications set out by the National and/or Provincial bodies that provide regulation for clinical counsellors (CCPA or BCACC). We aim to connect you with the counsellor that feels like a fit for you, and we empower you to give us your feedback at every step of the way to ensure that we are doing our utmost to support you in a way that is tailored to your person needs. When helpful or needed we will happily provide referrals to other trusted professionals who might be that right fit for you. 

We’d love to connect with you to continue to answer any questions you have and help determine how best we can support you with your personal goals.

Taking the First Step Towards Healing and Growth

Your Journey to Wellness Starts Here

We are here to guide you every step of the way, helping you build resilience, find hope and clarity, and create a life filled with meaning and fulfillment. Take the first step today and embrace your potential with Harbour Counselling & Consulting.

1. Inquire

Fill out our inquiry form and one of our therapists will connect with you.

2. Connect

We can set up a free 15-minute phone consultation to learn a bit more about each other and discuss next steps.

3. Book

You will receive your own client login information so that you can book your own counselling appointments around your schedule.